Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lucy =(

My Maltese-dachshund (or Moxie) Lucy has been sick since this weekend. She couldn't keep anything down and just wasn't being herself- so we took her to the vet on Monday. They kept her there overnight because she was very dehydrated and they wanted to run blood-work and x-rays. We were supposed to pick her up today but when my mom went to get her, she had just had diarrhea all over her cage. They wouldn't let us take her home yet =(. Here's two pictures of my baby!
 On top of that, Ariel's grandmother is still in the hospital. She's out of the ER into a room, but they still don't know what happened.

Anyways, so I got out of school at 11:15, came home, relaxed, did a 20 minute ONDemand workout, and had lunch. Lunch today was similar to yesterday (I love this lunch you'll come to see, yummy and versatile). I started with a mug of Lipton Cup-Of-Noodle Chicken Soup (lots of salt, but sooo worth it). Next I had a veggie sandwich on a pita with horseradish mustard. To finish, I had a plum and a Frigo Light Cheese Stick. I heart plums and cheese!
I said I would talk about my Diet Coke obsession so here it goes. I have an unhealthy attachment to the drink. I love it. There was a point last year where I was drinking up to six 1 liter bottles in a day. SIX. I realized how ridiculous that was, and cut back. I still drink my diet coke everyday, but now I limit myself to only one can per day, generally either with lunch or from the school store during a free block. Sometimes I will also have some from a fountain if we go out to eat or something, but I try my hardest to only have one per day.
I am a little late and gotta run because I am taking my sister to HSM3. No big deal- because I fell asleep through it anyways. I will be back later for more!

Edit: High School Musical 3 wasn't playing at our local theater because nobody showed up and we were too late to start it. BUMMER. My sister and I stopped in Walgreens and I purchased a new nailpolish, eyeliner, and some new power bars to try. I got 3 Snickers Marathon Low Carb Peanut Butter bars, which I will try and review soon.
As I am editing this post, I am having my afternoon snack. Therefore I figured I would post it now. I am having a mug of Swiss Miss Diet Hot Chocolate and a Chocolate Brownie Cliff Kid Z-Bar.

I'm off to do some AP U.S. History reading!

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