Thursday, December 11, 2008

On-again, off-again

I decided that instead of stressing, I am going to do on-again off-again blogging. AKA- I will blog when I get a chance or feel like it. That could mean everyday or once a week (it will depend). This morning started off with two Low Fat Nutrigrain Waffles. One of them I topped with some sugar-free syrup, and the other I melted 1/2 slice of Pepper Jack Veggie Slices on top. I also had a Red Delicious apple.
This morning I only had two classes before it was lunchtime. I LOVE first block lunch!! Today was NACHO BAR DAY!! It is a favorite lunch day at Westminster School. For my lunch I filled my plate with three different things. One third of my plate was a green salad with veggies. The other third was fresh fruit salad. The last section of my plate was filled with Tostitos, salsa, and fresh cut tomatoes. YUM! After lunch I got dessert at the school store. I had a Peanut Butter Lindor Truffle and a Diet Coke. Oh, and I stole a bite of my friend Kristen's snickerdoodle cookie. Thanks Kristen! 
After sitting through a few more miserable classes (they've all been a drag lately), I went home. Now I am blogging and enjoying my afternoon snack. I am having a Vanilla Chobani that I mixed with some Sugar-Free Smuckers. This is my first time with Chobani, normally I buy Fage. I think I like Chobani better!
Now I am going to finish this episode of Full House that I am watching, and then I am going to do some English reading.
P.S. Sorry I have no breakfast or lunch pictures!

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